
Different Types of Commercial Signs

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Driving down a busy street, what makes you stop at one place and not another? Often, it’s a standout sign. Let’s explore how effective commercial signs can grab attention and draw people in. At Plaque Direct, we craft signs that catch the eye and invite you to come closer. Ready to see how the right sign can change the game for your business? Let’s get started!

What Are Commercial Signs?

Walking down a lively street full of shops, what grabs your attention first? Often, it’s the commercial sign. These signs are more than just metal or plastic; they tell the story of a brand. They serve as an important link between a business and its potential customers, almost like a welcoming handshake that either invites you in or leaves you passing by. 

Studies by the FedEx Office indicate that 68% of consumers believe a store’s signage reflects the quality of its products or services. This underscores the importance of investing in high-quality, professional signage that accurately represents your brand identity.

Pylon Signs: What Are They and How Are They Used in Business?

Pylon signs are typically illuminated, boasting bright colors and captivating graphics that grab attention day or night. They often feature your company logo, brand name, and key information like website address or contact details. Think of them as a billboard specifically tailored to your business, projecting a professional and established image.

Here are some ideal applications for pylon signs:

  • Hotels and Motels: Guide weary travelers effortlessly to a restful night’s sleep.
  • Car Dealerships: Make a grand statement and showcase your impressive inventory.
  • Restaurants with Drive-Thrus: Get those hungry tummies rumbling by highlighting your delicious offerings.
  • Retail Stores: Become a landmark that customers can easily spot, even from afar.


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Monument Signs: Boosting Visibility and Brand Recognition

Consider monument signs for a blend of elegance and durability. These signs, crafted from strong materials like brick, stone, or concrete, are often placed at business entrances or along roads, offering a subtle yet powerful impression of stability and professionalism.

Ideal for businesses that value tradition and heritage, monument signs serve as a formal introduction, much like a handshake, subtly conveying your brand’s values. They are particularly effective for:

  • Banks and Financial Institutions: Signaling trust and solidity.
  • Law Firms and Professional Offices: Demonstrating authority and expertise.
  • Hospitals and Medical Centers: Communicating stability and care.
  • Schools and Universities: Reflecting a dedication to education and legacy.

Channel Letters: Why They Are a Top Choice for Outdoor Branding

Channel letters are a standout choice for modern outdoor branding, thanks to their individual, internally-lit metal letters that cast a warm, inviting glow. These customizable signs can be tailored in size, color, and font to align perfectly with your brand identity.

Ideal for making a sophisticated statement day or night, channel letters help your brand name shine brightly, drawing attention and sparking interest. They’re great for businesses aiming for a contemporary, upscale image.

Where to use channel letters:

  • Retail Stores: Light up your brand logo or name to attract customers.
  • Restaurants: Enhance your ambiance with your name or signature dish in lights.
  • Entertainment Venues: Add glamour to theaters and concert halls, capturing attention and excitement.
  • Corporate Buildings: Display a professional, established look at your headquarters.
  • Auto Dealerships: Complement shiny vehicles with bold, illuminated branding.


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Dimensional Letters: Enhancing Your Commercial Signage with Depth

Dimensional letters add depth and texture to your commercial signage, creating a three-dimensional effect that’s both eye-catching and distinctive. Imagine your company’s name boldly projecting from the wall, interacting with light and shadows—these signs can be made from a variety of materials like metal, plastic, or wood to fit your brand and budget. They can also be lit or unlit, depending on the look you want.

Perfect places for dimensional letters:

  • Restaurants: Enhance your ambiance and mirror your cuisine’s style.
  • Retail Stores: Draw in customers with bold, inviting signage.
  • Hotels and Motels: Offer a welcoming entrance that promises a pleasant stay.
  • Professional Offices: Convey authority and expertise with stylish lettering.

Post Signs: Effective Solutions for Wayfinding and Advertising

Post signs are great for advertising specials, events, or new products. Their compact size allows for concise, impactful messages without being overpowering. They’re also budget-friendly and simple to install, making it easy to switch up your messages as needed.

Ideal for:

  • Shopping Malls: Direct shoppers to specific stores or areas.
  • Hospitals and Medical Centers: Guide patients to different departments.
  • Office Buildings: Help visitors locate offices or meeting rooms.
  • Restaurants: Promote daily specials or seasonal offerings.


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Real-Life Scenarios: How Commercial Signs Drive Business Success

Let’s talk numbers. A sign can be a major factor in a business’s success. An eye-catching sign isn’t just decoration; it’s a key player in your marketing team. Think of it as the MVP that’s always on the field, day or night, making plays that win customers and drive sales.

Consider this real-life scenario:

The New Bakery on the Block: There is a new bakery tucked away among long-standing shops. Its glowing channel letter sign draws the eye, highlighting the bakery’s name and logo. As the delightful scent of fresh bread fills the air, it lures passersby inside. The effect? More people stopping by, drawn in to discover the tasty treats waiting inside.

Conclusion: Maximizing Impact with the Right Commercial Signage

Choosing the right sign is like choosing the right words in a conversation—it can make all the difference. At Plaque Direct, we understand the art and science behind effective commercial signs. We help you select signs that not only look good but work hard, maximizing your business’s visibility and impact.  Additionally, we offer commemorative plaques, perfect for honoring achievements or marking significant events, further enhancing the range of custom signage solutions we provide.


How much do commercial signs cost?

The cost of commercial signs varies depending on several factors, including size, material, complexity of design, and illumination options. 

What permits do I need for a commercial sign?

Permitting requirements vary depending on your location. 

How do I maintain my commercial sign?

Regular cleaning and maintenance will help your sign look its best for years to come. There are specific care recommendations based on the type of sign you have.

Can I design my commercial sign?

Absolutely! Plaque Direct offers a user-friendly online design tool, or you can work with our experienced team to create a custom sign that perfectly reflects your vision.

Not sure which plaque you want?

Please feel free to contact us,
our designer will be happy to advise and assist you